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31 October 2011

Question 26

Que -
Which of following allied health can be involved to improved outcome in diabetes mellitus?
Ans -
  1. Psychologist
  2. Podiatry
  3. Exercise physiologist
  4. Diabetes educator
  5. All of above

28 October 2011

Question 25

Que -Which of the following is true for sulphonylureas?

  1. All sulphonylureas are safe in renal failure and doesn't need any adjustment.
  2. Patient or doctor needs to notify license authority in Australia when you starting on sulphonylureas.
  3. It is first choice in obese diabetic patient.
  4. Two different sulphonylureas should be used together to increase effect.
  5. It doesn't cause hypoglycemia.

27 October 2011

Question 24

Que -
Which of following is side effect of Pantoprazole?
Ans -
  1. Acute intestitial nephritis
  2. Osteoporosis
  3. Vitamin B12 deficiency
  4. Increase risk of enteric infection
  5. All of above

26 October 2011

Question 23

Que -
A 60 y.o female presented with bone pain. Ix showed hypochromic anaemia. Peripheral smear showed Howell- Jolly bodies. Which investigation is useful to make diagnose?
Ans -
  1. colonoscopy
  2. bone scan
  3. bone marrow aspiration
  4. oesophagoscopy
  5. Barium meal

25 October 2011

Question 22

Que -
Hemochromatosis is best diagnosed by:
Ans -
  1. serum ferritin
  2. serum iron
  3. serum transfer saturation
  4. FBC
  5. Ultrasound of liver


24 October 2011

Question 21

Que -
Which one of following is true for PSA - prostate specific antigen?

Ans -
1 - Sensitivity is more than 95%
2 - Specificity is more than 95%
3 - It is highly recommended for screening
4 - It can be elevated in prostatis
5 - It is not useful as tumour marker

21 October 2011

Question 20

Que -
A 25 y.o male returned from Bali and presents with bloody diarrhoea. He denied any history of sexual contact. What is the initial investigation?
Ans -
a) stool microscopy
b) HIV investigation
c) stool culture
d) biopsy of colon
e) barium enema

20 October 2011

Question 19

Que -
A 60 y.o female patient with moderate severe HT and CHF. What is the best management?
Ans -
1 - Diuretic and ACEI
2 - Calcium antagonist and ACEI
3 - Calcium antagonists and B-blocker
4 - ACEI and B-blocker
5 - Nitrites

19 October 2011

Question 18

Que -
A 40 y.o male presented with 1 week history of jaundice without pruritus, palpable tender hepatomegaly and knee pain. What is the likely diagnose?

Ans -
1 - Hepatitis B
2 - Hepatitis C
3 - Gall stone
4 - Cholecystitis
5 - Hepatocellular carcinoma

18 October 2011

Question 17

Que - 25 year old male presented to emergency department with sudden onset of 10/10 headache with some photophobia and neck stiffness. He was afebrile. He had some neck stiffness and prefered dark room, otherwise examination was unremarkable. You suspected SAH and arrange CT scan which was unremarkable. What is your next management plan?
Ans -
1 - Discharge patient home with simple analgesia
2 - Arrange LP now
3 - Admit patient overnight and arrange LP tomorrow
4 - Arrange MRI
5 - Tell patient that he has migraine and should go home and rest until it settles

17 October 2011

Question 16

Que - A child presented with headache, dizziness and vomiting. On basis of symptoms what is the cause?
Ans -
1 - Myopia
2 - Meduloblastoma
3 - Vestibulitis
4 - Gastroenteritis
5 - Tension headache

14 October 2011

Question 15

Que - What is the commenst cause of intracerebral malignancy (secondary)?
Ans -
1 - Gastric Ca
2 - Prostate Ca
3 - Breast Ca
4 - Bronchial Ca
5 - Colon Ca

13 October 2011

Question 14

Que - Which is the best test to exclude malignancy for breast lump?
Ans -
1- History and breast examiantion
2 - US
3 - Mammogram
4 - Combination of history and examination, imaging and tissue biopsy
5 - Tissue Biopsy

12 October 2011

Question 13

Que - What is the most common symptoms of Schizophrenia?

Ans -
1 - Hallucination
2 - Delusion
3 - Lack of insight
4 - Suicidal ideation
5 - Depression

11 October 2011

Question 12

Que - 15 y.o male bought in to ED via ambulance after having sudden collapse while playing sports. He is feeling fine and doesn't remember what happen. Examination is unremarkalbe.  What is the best management step you will do?
Ans -
1 - Discharge him home
2 - Do CBE and electrolytes
3 - Do ECG, CBE and electrolytes
4 - Do ECG, CBE, electrolytes and discussed the case with Cardiology prior to discharge
5 - Arrange CT scan of brain and abdomen

10 October 2011

Question 11

Que - What is common side effect of ACEI?
Ans -
1 - Cough
2 - Headache
3 - Angioedema
4 - Renal failure and hyperkalemia
5 - All of above

07 October 2011

Question 10

Que - 41 year old female presented to ED with central chest pain which is 'burning and tight' feeling and around neck. No previous medical history or significant family history. Examination - Unremarkable. ECG showed minimal non specific ST depression which resolved in repeat ECG in 30 min. CBE, MBA20 (EUC + LFT) and troponin T - negative. What is your next step?
Ans -
1 - Discharge patient without any intervention
2 - Discharge patient with pantoprazole and GP follow up for endoscopy
3 - Admit patient for serial cardiac enzymes
4 - Admit patient for endoscopy
5 - Arrange urgent primary coronary intervention

06 October 2011

Question 9

Que - 55 y.o male presented with 5 years history of Type II DM to your clinic. He presented for general check up. His BP is 140/90 which was same 6 months ago. You did fasting urine analysis and then sent to lab which showed elevated ACR (Albumin Creatinine Ratio). What's your best next step?
Ans -
1 - Review again in 6 month
2 - Commence on ACEI
3 - Commence on beta blocker
4 - Commence on CCB
5 - Commence on Nitrites

05 October 2011

Question 8

Que - 25 year old female presented to ED with sharp sudden onset of localised left lower abdominal pain, which resolved with panadol and NSAIDS. Now she is painfree. Patient has single partner for last 5 years. Examination - NAD. LMP 2/52 ago. Urine analysis - NAD. CBE, LFT, Lipase, EUC and pregnancy test - unremarkable. What is likely cause of abdominal pain?
1 - Ectopic pregnancy
2 -  PID
3 - Mittelschmerz syndrome
4 - Appendicitis
5 - Renal colic

04 October 2011

Question 7

Que - For patient in question 5 which is next test you want to order?
Ans -
1 - Urine analysis
2 - Laproscopy
3 - Ultrasound
4 - Group and Hold
5 - CT scan of abdomen

03 October 2011

Question 6

Que - Which is the best test to exclude ectopic pregnancy?
Ans -
1 - Urine pregnancy test
2 - Serum Beta HCG
3 - Ultrasound
4 - Laproscopy
5 - Abdominal examination